Friday, September 25, 2009

In many Indonesian churches, World Communion Scholar Rahel Daulay said, “Worship is not accompanied by any instrument or sound system.” She likes it that way. “I strongly believe John and Charles Wesley did not focus their hymns on the musical instrument, [but rather] on the power of the words that came from their spirituality,” she added.

During her years at Jakarta Theological Seminary, Daulay concentrated on liturgy and church music. Today she is an assistant pastor at Wesley Methodist Church, Jakarta, Indonesia, ready to embark on further study at Trinity Theological College in Singapore.

A World Communion Scholarship, made possible by the World Communion Sunday offering, is making her new venture possible.

By studying congregational development and leadership, Daulay hopes to enrich her ability “to conduct Bible study and teach subjects related to liturgy and church music. Upon graduation from my master’s program, I intend to go back to Indonesia to continue my ministries.”

She continued, “We learned from the history of the expansion of Methodist mission in America. Hymns, particularly those composed by Charles and John Wesley, [were] very powerful to attract people to Jesus Christ. Christian worship that consists of hymns, music and the word of God becomes the instrument of mission.”

Daulay wants “the Methodist church in Indonesia to enable people to renew their lives and revive their faith.” Broadening her vision is the key.

“Even though I am going to leave my full-time job to continue my education,” she noted, “I will not stop serving God. I hope to expand my horizon of ministries in music and evangelism during my graduate study. My goal is to create worship and liturgy that combine Methodist traditions in today’s context.”

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--Barbara Dunlap-Berg
Lladale Carey
Web Coordinator
United Methodsit Communications

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