Monday, October 29, 2012

Want to inspire your kids or grand kids?

  • During the season of Thanksgiving, find a time each day to “give thanks” for the blessings you've eceived. Have each person in your family (or at your lunch table at school or work) share something they are thankful for in the last 24 hours. You decide how often to do it – every day, every other day, every time you have a family meal with those who define “family” for you.
  • This year Thanksgiving is on November 22nd, and of course Christmas Day is December 25th. Why not use these 50 days of preparation as a time of Thanksgiving for the gift of Christ’s love? The money given to support the missions and ministries of our church world-wide, or our “apportionments,” total approximately $100 per member.
  • Put a special bowl in a prominent spot in your house. Ask the children in your life, “How can we save $2.00 a day this holiday season, to give thanks for all the blessings we’ve received?” Then save the money each day, and put it in an envelope marked “apportionments” when you’re ready to place it in the offering plate at your church.

The apportionments are actually mission giving that strengthens the whole church. For this small sum of money, we are able to do amazing ministry in our communities, our state, our nation, and our world. For more information on apportionments, go to

--Wisconsin UM Foundation, WI Ann Conf

God Is Still In Control!

Miss Lladale Carey
Web Content Producer

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