Sunday, February 24, 2013

God's Will On Earth

Our Father Who is in heaven, hallowed (kept holy) be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on the earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread... 
-- Matthew 6: 9-11 (Amplified Bible) 

During the early winter of this past year, a married couple in one of the congregations in our charge approached me and asked, a little hesitantly, if they could talk to me about something important. "Of course... let's talk," I replied. They then proceeded to talk to me about an extended member of the community who was dear to their hearts -- Mr. Sam, they called him.

Mr. Sam is an African American gentleman in his late nineties who has been a part of the family since the days long before the marriage of this couple. As they shared stories, I saw the mist of tears expressing deep abiding emotion and love for this elderly gentleman.

Their question to me was: Would I be willing to go and visit Mr. Sam?

Even though Mr. Sam is in his nineties he still mows grass and works to earn a living. This church has extended grace by providing groceries for Mr. Sam including a great Sunday dinner each and every week. I was so taken with this request we set a date for me to return and meet Mr. Sam. So, on a Sunday afternoon we met. Chip rode with me to Mr. Sam's residence. When we arrived, we were met at the door of this humble home with a smile and a welcoming handshake. This began a warm friendship and now I consider Mr. Sam a part of our congregation.

Reading Scripture with Mr. Sam, sharing the continuing story of the Gospel, and praying with this fine man has now become a part of my regular monthly pattern of pastoral care; I am fed by his warm hospitality and spirit. As we talk, Mr. Sam tells me about his granddaughter who is a doctor, and shares stories of his wife and their years of joy and laughter. Chip and his wife always let me know what is happening with Mr. Sam, and I look forward to each visit with anticipation and joy knowing that I can share with him more of the love of Christ.

I wonder if we see how God's will is done on earth as it has already been accomplished in heaven in acts of Grace. Mr. Sam receives physical bread through an act of generosity, but I wonder also if he realizes that his relationship with us constantly feeds our souls. -- Kathy Price

Prayer: Gracious heavenly Father, during this Lenten season, we ask you to assist us in bringing the message of Christ, the living bread, to hungry hearts. Assist us as we lead others to the wells of salvation that they may draw deeply from you that which satisfies us spirit, soul, and body. In Christ's holy name: Amen 

by Kathy Price is pastor of the Desoto Charge in Clarke County.

Lenten Devotionals from the MS Annual Conference

God Is Still In Control!

Miss Lladale Carey
Web Content Producer

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