Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lent and a java jolt

Lent is quickly approaching this year. I use Lent as a time of meditation and self-reflection. Others use the 40 days as a time of cleansing and self-renewal. One common bond of those observing Lent is the denial of something important to them. For instance, chocolate, TV, smoking, gambling, etc.

Each year I struggle with Lent. There are many things I could give up, but what would make the biggest difference in my life? Chocolate? My waistline might shrink a little, but in the grand scheme, it’s not that big of a deal. TV? Yes, that would be very difficult, but again, it’s a molehill among mountains.

This year I have been meditating on what it is that God wants me to deny myself. And I think He’s shown me. Starbucks. I admit I am a Starbucks junkie. I just can’t turn down a Mocha Light Frappuccino.

But in the meditation, God pressed upon my heart the need to make a difference through my denial. How I asked? God showed me that I could make a difference if I put aside the money I would have spent at Starbucks and gave it to The Church. Yes! That’s it – I can make a difference through One Great Hour of Sharing.

One Great Hour of Sharing is coming up on March 22 and I plan to donate the money I would have spent on my java addiction to the offering. I can help provide refuge for people who are displaced around the world. I can help advocate for peace and help develop leaders in Christ.

Will I suffer caffeine withdrawal headaches? Yes. Will I long daily for my java jolt? You bet. Will it be worth it? Absolutely.

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