Wisconsin Stewardship Stories
The following story is one of many stewardship stories that we will share from individuals throughout the Wisconsin Annual Conference. If you have a stewardship story or idea to share, please send it to us today. All items submitted are done so with the understanding that permission is granted by the author to the Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation for the purpose of sharing items in this forum with other United Methodist churches.
Yes, my income is less; yes, I need to tighten my belt; but, please hear the experience of a couple from First UMC in West Allis when they reached retirement.
Introducing Sheridan and “Lou” Ellsworth. Sheridan retired from a long career of teaching and as a Principal in the West Allis School System. “Lou” was a homemaker and a very talented artist. They loved this church! When retirement came they pondered “must we reduce our giving to match our reduced income?”
After much thought and prayer the answer was, “Heavens, no!” They discovered that when not holding a regular job their expenses were much less, and so in retirement they actually increased their giving!
You cannot love something and not offer your best – especially to your church, your family, your friends, and your Lord … “for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also!”
The following story is one of many stewardship stories that we will share from individuals throughout the Wisconsin Annual Conference. If you have a stewardship story or idea to share, please send it to us today. All items submitted are done so with the understanding that permission is granted by the author to the Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation for the purpose of sharing items in this forum with other United Methodist churches.
Yes, my income is less; yes, I need to tighten my belt; but, please hear the experience of a couple from First UMC in West Allis when they reached retirement.
Introducing Sheridan and “Lou” Ellsworth. Sheridan retired from a long career of teaching and as a Principal in the West Allis School System. “Lou” was a homemaker and a very talented artist. They loved this church! When retirement came they pondered “must we reduce our giving to match our reduced income?”
After much thought and prayer the answer was, “Heavens, no!” They discovered that when not holding a regular job their expenses were much less, and so in retirement they actually increased their giving!
You cannot love something and not offer your best – especially to your church, your family, your friends, and your Lord … “for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also!”
--Rev. Earl F. Lindsay, Retired
To learn more about the connectional giving system of the United Methodist Church click here.
Please continue to encourage your leaders and members to give 100% to the World Service Fund apportionment. Many live will be touched by your gifts of love.
God is Still In Control!
Miss Lladale Carey
Web Producer
United Methodist Communications
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